Beasley –

I’m dying, I’m dying. Chapter 132 resurrection from the dead (middle). Shangguan Feier’s heart is like a deer bumping into each other. Not to mention the embarrassment in her heart when she was caught peeping at other people’s bodies. What can I do? How can I face him in the future! Although she is a vast little witch, but after all, she is still a big girl with yellow flowers, looking at the evil appearance of a certain place, the whole person has been completely at a loss. In her mind, with Zhou Weiqing’s character, do not know how to make fun of her, perhaps, will make fun of her for a lifetime. At the thought of the three words of a lifetime, Shangguan Feier’s heart trembled even more. However, her embarrassment did not last long, almost in the next moment, the powerful arm had come over and hugged her fiercely into her arms. Strong man’s breath, blow on the face, Shangguan Feier’s pretty face just fell on Zhou Weiqing’s neck and shoulder combination part, that strong and powerful arms tightly around her, even made her appear a moment of suffocation. Phyl, Phyl, are you really all right. Really alive, too good, too good. “Zhou Weiqing shouted incoherently,gold shaking table, tears gushed out uncontrollably, and Shangguan Feier felt that the skirt on her shoulder was wet in an instant.”. He hugged her tightly, Shangguan Feier at this moment only felt a blank brain, and the next moment, a never before hot feeling from Zhou Weiqing instantly spread all over her body. It was not the feeling of energy, but the feeling of her own heart. He didn’t make fun of her. All he cared about was her safety. The revelation of true feelings instantly made Shangguan Feier’s heart seem to be ignited by a fire. Although he is a rogue, is a bad guy, but,coltan ore processing, at this moment, the axis is so true, the release of this feeling, so that Shangguan Feier as if to be melted by his hot embrace in general. Subconsciously, her hand slowly moved behind his back and hugged him instead. Phyl, you know what? You scared me to death. Why are you so stupid! How can you insist on lying on top of me when you know it will be a problem. Do you know that if you don’t have the skill of time reversal, you will be dead! What do you want me to do if you die? I will accompany you to go or a painful life ah! Phyl, Phyl.. Their own emotional crazy release, so that at this time Zhou Weiqing some hysterical, but Shangguan Feier has never felt when he is more lovely than at this moment. His generous embrace and powerful arms were all pulling her heart to the side of her heart, and then piercing it with an invisible arrow. She can feel his love, unreserved love, at this moment, Shangguan Feier is not willing to think about anything, all the concerns are left behind, she just want to be hugged by him like this, gold cil machine ,Portable gold trommel, it is best not to change for a lifetime, at this time of Xiaopang, only belongs to her. So hugged Shangguan Feier, Zhou Weiqing said what is not willing to let go, can feel her heartbeat, feel the temperature of her body, this feeling is really good. He now loves the time and space earthworm this kind of day beast, who said that the time countercurrent this skill is the chicken rib, is it saved own Phyl! For a long time, Zhou Weiqing’s excitement finally gradually calmed down a little. He slowly lowered his head and looked at the man in his arms. Shangguan Feier buried her head in his arms, clinging to his solid chest muscles. At this time of her, which still has the appearance of the vast little witch, clever like a kitten. Phyl. “Tong Weiqing called softly.” Uh Shangguan Feier closed her eyes and promised softly. Hearing her voice, Zhou Weiqing seemed to hear the sky, which meant that she was alive in front of her! Looking at her delicate and beautiful red lips, Zhou Weiqing could no longer bear it. Gently pick up her face and let her and herself gradually take over. Shangguan Feier still did not open her eyes, her pretty face flushed, her long, curled eyelashes trembled slightly, but she did not dodge, nor did she resist. Finally, there was no distance between their lips. When Zhou Weiqing met the cool and warm lips of Shangguan Feier, he could not bear it and kissed deeply.
Shangguan Feier’s kiss is green, although this is not her first kiss, but it is the first time she really accepted his kiss. Zhou Weiqing’s kiss was full of aggression, hugging Shangguan Feier tightly and letting her lie flat on her lap, constantly demanding on her lips. Zhou Weiqing did not continue to violate Shangguan Feier’s action, at this moment, in his heart only to Shangguan Feier’s love, but no desire. She is alive, this is enough for Zhou Weiqing, he is really afraid of Shangguan Feier like a porcelain doll, broken again in front of himself, if that is the case, he must be unable to bear. I don’t know how long the kiss lasted until Shangguan Feier gave Zhou Weiqing a gentle bite on his tongue. Zhou Weiqing raised his head and opened his eyes, just in time to see Shangguan Feier, who was close at hand, looking at him with his eyes wide open, his long eyes fluttering and blinking. Xiaopang, why am I a little dizzy? Said Shangguan Feier softly, blushing and looking as lovely as she could be. Ah? Dizziness? Zhou Weiqing was so shocked that he quickly picked her up and put his hand on her head. Fool, it’s not something about your body. Shangguan Feier did not have a good hammer with him, but happily snuggled on his shoulder. Phyl, don’t scare me, okay? My heart is dying. If you die again, you don’t have to do anything deliberately. I’m afraid I’ll go straight back to heart rupture and die for you. Zhou Weiqing breathed a sigh of relief. Idiot Shangguan Feier chuckled. Zhou Weiqing hugged her tightly, and only then did he really recover from the shadow of Shangguan Feier’s “death”. Take a deep breath, let the cool night wind lower the temperature of your body, embrace the soft waist of Shangguan Feier,sodium cyanide price, look at her clever appearance, the love in your heart has not been reduced at all, but is burning up little by little. What’s up against me? Shangguan Feier felt a little nervous under her body and touched her hand subconsciously.

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